Based in Switzerland, PhytoXtract SA was founded in 2015 with the mission of making products by using natural extracts and building the knowledge and awareness of the surrounding community. The vision behind is located in taking a holistic approach, emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts, considering human being issues and find in nature, solutions with minimum manipulations. We try to best transmit the plant equilibrium (ratios). We get inspiration from the plants themselves, and especially research done about them, and from all kinds of alternatives that consider the human being as a whole.

We started with cannabis / hemp and terpene extraction, which is what cannaxtract labs does to provide customers with hemp extraction based products. CBD oil is extracted from Cannabis Sativa L. plant, with both internal (see Cannalytix) and independent laboratory testing for each batch. Our products are 100% natural and only contain organically grown material. We are working in professional laboratory facilities in Plan-les-Ouates, located in Canton Geneva, in Switzerland. We also built a network of farmers with Swissbreeders.

In 2020 we sold one of our company PhytoCloud SA (together with our technical brand Cannaliz) in order to focus on the pharmaceutical activities (with both CBD and THC >1%). Until now we continuously developed the GMP/GDP project with our own GACP standardized production, in order to work directly on the plant and potentially influence different parameters at growing and flowering times.

+41 (0)22 312 34 34 / info [a]